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适用范围 Applications

• 起重机,造船设备,炼钢、炼铁设备、工业设备、轧钢设备、工程机械、特别适合用于高负载的装备上

• Crane, heavy industry, iron and steel mill facility, plant facility, cold stripping and rolling facility, machining center and most of industrial applications.

特点 Features

• 链板处装有滑片,延长了拖链的使用寿命,磨损时只需要更换滑片即可
• 使用滑片可以减小噪音,在拖链运行时节约动力
• 为了防止拖链运行时链板脱落从而采用了独特的连接方式
• 链板采用轻量化设计,从而减轻了机器的负荷
• 为了防止拖链发生下垂等现象,链板上设有1mm的防下垂装置

• Skate enable longer operation life and worn skates can be replaced conveniently.
• Skates provide better operation with lower power and less noise.
• Skates are exchangeable and give longer operation life.
• To solce a problem of the gap between link plates, we install braces in a specific part preventing them from being bent.
• Removing unnecessary parts of link plate lightens its weight up to 20%.
• Improving sustainability and having plate curved by 1mm prevent it from being crooked, sagged due to the weight of cables and hoses.